Saturday, June 9, 2012

Manio's Viewing Of: Prometheus (2012)

 Welcome to one of the films I've been most excited about, and that film is Prometheus the sort of "Alien" prequel kind of deal, that isn't a prequel. Confused? I'll do my best at explaining the film, and how it's presented. Note, my review may be a little skewed since I saw the film in 3D and just got back from the theater. 3D films hurt my head a tad, so I'll try to pump this out while dealing with my cranial aches.

Fast-forward to the year 2089. Two scientists (Noomi Rapace, and Logan Marshall Green) discover a cave in Scotland with cave-paintings on the inside which show a man pointing at four spheres in the sky. This is soon revealed to be a star map that is identical the paintings found in other places around the world, and in other cultures. Then, the film hops into the year 2093 with a team of people traveling to a distant moon called LV-223 (which bears the same name layout etc as the planet in Alien called LV-426). Eventually, the team begins their investigation and soon begins finding evidence of another race called the "Engineers" or as we've come to call them through-out the years in the Alien franchise as Space Jockeys.

As you could probably guess the film takes a turn, and things begin to become violent, gory and people begin dying. Now, a question people are wondering is "are there Xenomorphs" in this film, and my response if...maybe. Maybe not. The film is more focused on this crew trying to discover the origins of humanity, and find out what these Engineers are all about, while all the time dealing with a weird black ooze. The film is also populated by a very strong cast, with David (Michael Fassbender) an android who's motives are unclear, and the actor does a fantastic job at portraying the android. Charlize Theron does an amazing job as well as Meredith Vickers who seems like some sort of a bitch, but honestly would do anything to keep everyone else safe (or keep herself safe) as we seen in the film during a few select moments. Another solid actor in the film is Idris Elba (Janek) the captain of the ship "Prometheus" who's a bad-ass, and seems like the comic relief of the film and he does a stellar job.

My recommendation: I had a better time with this film than I did Avengers. Mainly because I'm more of a fan, and more interested in the universe of Aliens than I am about The Avengers. People have criticized this film for having some plot-holes which it does, and constantly makes you curious as into how these things are happening, and why. However, I see it as a major boost in the film's over-all impression as it makes you curious, and constantly thinking "why". Horror films need to do that, because in my opinion I love being confused, and trying to piece things together and see if my speculations are correct. The film's ending also seems to be open for a sequel, but then the sequel could even be the film Alien. Who knows? All in all, I found this film to be a blast and that everyone should go check it out. Even if you're not into the Alien franchise, you should still check this out.

It's a solid film, and you'll have a great time. This is my film of 2012 so far. THUMBS UP for Prometheus. Go check it out.

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